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The Second Meeting of Evalrom took place on the 15th of December 2006. This meeting aimed at debating the mission and objectives of the future national professional association in evaluation, starting with the discussion notes already distributed to the Evalrom members (see the documents below). This meeting was hosted and developed under the auspices of the UNDP Country Office and the Regional Office in Bratislava.

Section modified Monday, 19 July 2010 2 visitors
Evalrom - EES EVALROM is organising in co-operation with European Evaluation Society a professional deve ..   more..
Debate - upload in site The debate on Ethical Code is still in the process. The Draft document is uploaded in th ..   more..
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Uniunea Europeana

Acest site este realizat de catre Asociatia de Evaluare EVALROM in cadrul proiectului "Responsabilizare si buna guvernare prin evaluare" finantat de Uniunea Europeana prin programul Facilitate de Tranzitie 2007, "Consolidarea sprijinului societatii civile in lupta impotriva coruptiei"

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