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We don’t want to re-discover the wheel. That is why we are grateful to the experts who were willing to share their opinion based on their experience in international associations for evaluation. Learning from other’s experience always saves resources…

Pros and cons association in evaluation
Prof. Peter Dahler-Larsen (President of the European Evaluation Society 2006 - 2007)
Prof. Marie-Helen Adrien (President of the International Development Evaluation Association 2004 - 2008)

Arguments in favor of having a national association of evaluation
(Prof. Ulrich Schiefer - Instituto Superior de Cięncias do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE)
State University Institute for Social Sciences, Business Administration and Technologies
Lisabona, Portugalia)

Why it is good to have a national association or regional network of evaluators or a national or regional evaluation association
(Prof. Doha Abdelhamid - The American University, Cairo, Egipt)

Romanian Evaluation Society - start-up, process and action

Section modified Monday, 19 July 2010 2 visitors