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Our first activity as an association was the Founding meeting of Evalrom as the Romanian Evaluation Association. Although recently set-up as an association Evalrom is currently involved in two important activities for the future of the evaluation in Romania: the debate of the Draft Code of Ethics and the debate on the occupational standard of the evaluator.

Also, Evalrom and The National Authority for the Coordination of the Structural Instruments - The Evaluation Central Unit within the Romanian Ministry of Economy and Finance organised the Regional Seminars for the development of the evaluation community in Cluj (November 21, 2008) and Iasi (November 28, 2008).

Alege tipul de activitate

Evalrom organizeaza multiple dezbateri, incepand cu anul 2 ..
Regional seminars
Evalrom and The National Authority for the Coordination of t ..
Evalrom organizeaza multiple workshopuri, incepand cu anul ..
Setting-up process
Between July 2006 and June 2008 during its' functioning as a ..